Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Bridging the Gap" by James Davis

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Davis
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:16 PM
Subject: Bridging the Gap in Liberia

“Bridging the Gap”

One serious problem in Africa today, is the gap that exists between adults and young people. A gap that makes many young people unloved, unwanted, uncared for and even forgotten. But “Bridging the Gap” is the slogan that is widely used by Young Life Africa Expeditions Team to penetrate the African culture, share love of Christ, inspire and motivate leaders, volunteers and lost kids on the continent of Africa.

August 10-19, Young Life Africa Expeditions Team for the first time sent a group of 11 incredible American friends to serve as work team at the Young Life Liberia August 2009 Camp that ran from August 12-14.

During the August Camp, 122 (mainly first timers) kids had an unforgettable three days experience where they were truly loved by their leaders and the US Work Team. These kids experienced God’s love in an amazing way and 46 kids made commitment to follow Jesus for the first time, while 11 kids re-committed their lives to Christ. Roland Harris gave the Gospel message of God's unconditional love, while Zinnah Yallah, Baccus Roberts and Ernest Zobon Dada (campaigner) did a spectacular program.

For me this was truly a bridging gap! A bridging gap that after years of struggles, kids felt love again. They were astonished to see the US work team serving them at every meal, washing dishes, cleaning toilets, etc. Vision King, one of the kids said, “This makes the difference. I can’t believe having Americans serving me.”

We also had a wonderful Sport Event for our campaigners and it was a day of fun to see kids playing American Football and American Base Ball for the first time. The team also visited orphanages and played with kids orphaned by the war. We went to a massacre field in my home village where hundred of civilians were executed by rebels during the war and offered prayer at the site. We ended our visit at the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, where hundreds of people went to seek refuge during the war and they were massacre in the church by the government troop.

Our time together in August with the US work team was inspiring. We worshipped, prayed, danced, ate and worked together for God’s kingdom. And this is how God is bridging the gap for His kingdom in Liberia.

I am delighted but the biggest challenge now is to disciple these kids so that they will grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. Therefore, we’re counting on you for prayers. Thanks for being part of what the Lord is doing in Liberia, through Young Life. This is what Young Life Africa is all about, “Bridging the gap.”

In Him,
James Davis
Young Life Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
West Africa

Thursday, September 17, 2009


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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Journey Home

After a memorable night of celebration and worship followed by the Liberian Team surprising us each with our own festive Liberian attire (how sweet and what a treat!) And after saying an emotional good-bye yesterday to our new family members - we have started our journey back home. We are in Accra, Ghana right now where we had an interesting overnight stay and are getting ready to go back to the airport and board our second flight of the journey to New York. Then 8 of us have a 4-5 hour lay over and flight to Atlanta.
We ask for your prayers for safe travels and smooth transitions through customs and airports. Please pray for Erin's extended travel through Sierra Leone and Paris- she has a long day couple of days ahead of her on her own. We pray for safety and that everything goes as planned while she visits her sponsored child.
And also please pray for Cathy. She is still feeling under the weather with a head cold and having 6 more take-offs/landings is not going to be helpful for her cold.
We cannot thank you enough for following our blog and praying for us while on this trip! Means so much to each of us! We love you and will see you soon! :).

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our last full day...

Wow! What a wonderful last full day together! We woke up and spent the morning touring the US AID sponsored learning resource center. It was awesome! It was fun to learn about the work that is being done in Liberia via US AID. At the resource center any man, woman or child can come and study, use the internet, do research in the library, take classes, etc, all for free! It is a non profit where many men and women have dedicated themselves to educating those in the surrounding community. It is a wonderful place for James and his team to do contact work and meet kids and young adults!
We spent the afternoon walking through town and the busy marketplaces, then returning home to spend the evening with all of the Liberian YL leaders and staff. We played baseball on the beach, had dinner together and shared in worship and thoughts about the last 10 days. It was a bitter sweet evening, so happy to have had this time, but so sad to leave our brothers and sisters. We have been blessed by their love for us and their passion for reaching kids!

Philippians 1:3-6
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!
May He be Glorified!
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Day 07 Orphanage Visits

Day 07 was a special day. It has taken me awhile to post this day because all the overwhelming emotions felt after visiting the orphanages. Coming into the trip I knew and had heard visiting the orphanages would be tough but it was above and beyond any feeling I have felt in a long long time!! We had our night share time and everyone voiced the same- its hard to explain and put into words. So many emotions overcome one - sadness because they are suffering, joy by their smiles and faith, but then guilt because you feel so helpless, anger b/c you want to scream 'WHY!? Why do they have to live with out their parents!?, and why do they have to suffer so much from hunger!? But then there is a sense of peace and comfort because they have such a strong faith and trust in God! Someone in our group asked one of the orphanage workers a question similar to (sorry can't recall the exact wording) - 'How do you provide food and who helps you feed the kids?' And the worker simply answered without hesitation- 'God provides'. Simple as that. It blew me away!!!
The kids ranged from young 2-3 year olds to 18 year olds. They each were so disciplined. They sat still and listened and followed directions when we did a Cross necklace craft with them. Emily led us all in song and dance. They were so filled with joy and each smile melted each of our hearts. It was a tough time leaving feeling we did so little but in reality we did bring them so much love and joy. We are so thankful for God bringing us here to share time with the Liberians. We are so inspired by their belief and passion for God.
After the visits to the orphanages James took us to his home village, Mount Barclay. The home he was born in was just down the road from his village's check point during the war. There was a field next to the check point where they disposed of the dead bodies. If you did not know the dialect, you did not pass and were killed on the spot. James said they would just pile the bodies on top of another in the field. It was an overwhelming feeling and very hard to grasp that this war and happenings were only a few years ago. And now the field was lush and green. And there even was a soccer goal for kids to play with now. To be able to share these stories and stand on the ground were humbling. Our generation in the US has no clue what it is like to experience war. The leaders we are with each have their stories and said they each could probably write their own books on their personal experiences. After going through such tough times they are able to laugh and crack jokes about what happened, of course they are still healing but it is ONLY God's love that allows them to heal and discuss the war. I cannot say enough how their love for Christ is AMAZING! The US team feels so blessed to have had the opportunity to come here and meet each of them!
The day ended with the US team fixing dinner for the Liberian team. We fixed burritos - there was a little improvising but hey T.I.A. (this is Africa). :). It was a great way to end the day with fellowship.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Prayer Request

The team has a prayer request: First, Cathy slipped yesterday and dislocated knee cap. She is feeling better today and has gotten a X-ray done. The results came back good. Nothing is damaged, thankfully, but she still has pain and discomfort. Please pray for her healing. Also, Please pray for Cathy and Sally- both woke up today feeling ill. Please pray for healing and the ill feeling to go away so they can enjoy the rest of the trip. We have been blessed to have a healthy team for majority of the trip- we ask you to help us pray for their healing so the last couple of days are healthy for all as well.
Thank you! We love and miss you !
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Day 06 - Beautiful Day!

The day was filled with love and worship. We woke up to clear skies and a nice breeze. The team split up into groups to join the Liberian team leaders at their church services. What a treat for us! The Liberians have such a warm energized spirit. Their worship is filled with such passion for God. One feels so alive and free in their presence. It was definitely an inspiring experience.
After church James welcomed us to his home, then took us to see the Liberia Young Life office. When one walks into the office, you feel at home. They hold neighborhood club at this location. It is in the midst of a rough area of town and instead of being discouraged by the location (as we might be in the US), they look at it as an opportunity. The kids in that neighborhood need a positive influence the most and the leaders take on the challenge without batting an eye!
The morning was followed by a lunch buffet at a local hotel. All the leaders and work crew from the camp dined together. I can't really find the words to express how special this time was for each of us. We met the Liberian team leaders and work crew only 5 days ago and it is amazing the close bond we all have already created. Sharing life stories, dreams, and goals has really been an incredible opportunity. It was really hard to leave the leaders - they each are in our hearts forever now.
After lunch was a relaxing time back at the house - we had some down time to walk and sit on the beach, have more fellowship, and some of the guys even took a swim in the ocean.
In the evening we had a fun worship time with the Liberian team followed by them sharing stories from the war. It is very hard for one of us to imagine it was only a few years ago they were surviving day by day, starving, and fearing for their lives. The stories are mind boggling. The love and trust they have for God is so amazing and inspiring. It is only God who saved them and provided for them. That IS the only explanation.
We pray for Liberia and for continued healing and reconstruction of the country.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 05 Sports Day

Sports Day! Today was a blast! Liberia Young Life is proving that anything can happen-rain or shine:) We woke up today to a nice heavy rainfall. We all were secretly thinking - "hmmm... Great day for outdoor sports-not! How are we going to have an all sports day in this weather!?!?". But we went on to the outdoor sports/activities center. We pull up to a football (soccer) field and volleyball field completely full of standing water. As we processed the day this evening in our "highs and lows" we from the US shared how we all would,
one, not have even left the house and canceled the game,
two, saw the field and left. But we're not in the US- praise the Lord we're in Liberia! James was a little hesitant, but they prayed over the football/soccer field and then started digging a hole at one end of the field to try and drain it. Yes, they began created their own drain system! We don't see that happen in the US very much, do we? And what do you know- by the time it was time to play football/soccer- the field was about 90 percent drained and ready for play! Prayer is powerful and it works!!!
What we see as obstacles Liberians see as opportunities... So many things on this trip have been a taste of young life in its purest form-after all, what's not great about playing sports in soaked puddled fields?!?!
The day was filled with energy and God's spirit. Liberians got to play baseball and American football for the first time. And we have determined playing in the puddles is definitely more fun! We all split up and played on the 6 different club teams. We rotated games- first, kickball, then basketball, American football, and football/soccer. Seeing the smiles and spirit on the kids faces was priceless. We praise God for being this joy to the yl leaders and passed onto the kids. There are so many lost and broken kids and we are so grateful for God using Young Life to be a safe home for them.
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Day 03 and 04 - CAMP DAYS!

We have had a blast the last two days interacting with the kids at camp. God was definitely present. Seeing the kid's enjoyment and continuous energy let's us know we were definitely meant to take this trip. The last two days we have washed dishes, cleaned toilets, served breakfast, lunch and dinner, held field games for the kids and even did a 'Sexy Walk' skit to show how the white work crew might not have the rythym like the Liberians. All of these activities and jobs could not happen though without the Liberian work crew's help and tremendous hard work. Interacting with the Liberian Leaders has been special. In three days we have built relationships with amazing and inspiring people. It really has been an instant bond. Their life stories have touched each of us and their passion for Christ is incredible and very inspiring. They LOVE life and have amazing spirit even though they have been through the times with having very little- our culture needs to take some lessons!!!!
The last day of camp had a energy about it that only God could provide since each of us probably only got 4-5 hours sleep the previous last two nights. The breakfast dining hall was a dance party, with James showing us some of his break dance moves. :) The spirit in the room filled one's heart!!
After breakfast there was club and 'Say So' (the part of camp where campers stand up and show the have accepted Christ in their life) 50+ kids stood up. (Out of 125 campers)HOW AWESOME!! Majority of the kids had never been to a Young Life event. AMAZING! We praise God for his work done at camp!
After camp was over we headed 'home' to our Guesthouse and James treated us to a great dinner where we reflected on the last couple of days. A fun way to end a hard days work.
Our prayer request is for God to continue to be present in these kid's life and they continue their journey with Christ. And another request is for the weather to clear up for our All-Day Sports Day. Right now it pouring!
Miss you all!!

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st Day of YL Liberia Camp

These few may not be the best picture b/c they are taken with a phone but I hope they give you a glimpse of Liberia YL Club.
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1st Day of YL Liberia Camp

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1st Day of YL Liberia Camp

What an AMAZING God filled day!! The first day of camp took our breath away! Hardwork but each of us completely forgot it when we saw the smiles, love, and energy of the kids entering camp!
We ask for your prayers for the next two days of camp - that we have the strength to show the kids God's unconditional love, for whatever the weather conditions turn out to be- all activities can still happen, and for God to wrap his arms around each kid at camp and let them see the light and what life can be following Him.
We will update you more tomorrow. It has been a long day and we need out rest- we start at 6:30am tomorrow.
Blessing to you all - we can't express enough how much we appreciate your prayers.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 01 - Will you go without knowing?

"We are really here, in AFRICA!" - this was the quote of several team members yesterday after our travels to Monrovia. We thank God for blessed and smooth travels over the last couple of days. And thank you, friends and family, for your prayers! We could not make this journey without your support! And we cannot thank James Davis enough for his love and hospitality. He welcomed us with open arms at the airport.
Day 01- Will you go without knowing? What a perfect subject for out first day devotion. We are learning FLEXBILITY is KEY! Being the first group to Liberia and helping with the first YL Camp in Monrovia is amazing but along with that we all have to be open to taking the planning basically hour by hour. Most all got a great nights sleep - the ocean being 150 yards away from the mission house probably helped with the sounds of the crashing waves. We are blessed to have the accommodations James has provided for us. The setting is perfect for calming the heart and letting one open up and focus on preparing for what God's has planned for the team and the camp this week in Monrovia.
After a peaceful morning of quiet time, team camp assignments, the team had a great lunch followed by a visit to the University of Liberal. What an experience!! Imagine a group of +/- 15 Christians all wearing the same red YL t-shirt roaming the campus and able to explain what YL is all about to curious students. God's work was definitely among us.
Then our day ended with a fantastic worship session among our team and the Liberal YL team leaders. The instant bond between the two groups is unreal. Relationships have definitely already bloomed and will only grow strong through the Great One above.
What a high and amazing first worship together.
As a group our prayer request is for God to go above and beyond our expectations tomorrow at the first day of camp. We pray each child will be overtaken with God's love! We ask for the energy and strength to be imitators of God these next three days of camp. - Ephesians 5:1-2

We love you and miss you!
Tune in tomorrow for the update of the first day of camp! :).
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We've all arrived safely in Monrovia. Thanks to all those at home who are praying for us.

More updates to come.

in HIM,


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Team Prayer Requests

Can't believe we leave for Liberia this coming Sunday! Each one of us is very excited for the trip. Here is a prayer request list the team has put together - This is just a guide, so please pray however the Lord is leading. Thanks so much for your prayers!

Before our team leaves:
· As we pack, for wisdom to bring with us the things that are most needed and will most bless the people/youth we interact with (weight restrictions severely limit what we bring)
· Provision for the youth to get to camp (finances, time, logistics, etc.)
· Hearts of youth to be opened/prepared for God's Word
· Team Unity-- many of us will not meet until August 8th, but we are bonding over the internet!

During the trip:
· That God would bring us closer to Him on this trip
· For God to be glorified to the fullest, whatever it takes
· Protection: physical, emotional, spiritual
· Team Unity; Selfless & Flexible; Good communicators; Reflect Christ in our interactions; Salt and Light; Gracious; Forgiving
· Grace to see and hear difficult things from youth and adults alike (due to civil wars)
· Ability to stay strong while coming alongside traumatized youth
· That our presence of being there would communicate the value and worth of each
student / orphan / worker / volunteer / civilian that we meet
· Details of Outreach Camps, Day Sports Camp, and Orphanage Visits to fall into place
· That the youth would be open to the Gospel and make commitments for Christ
· Interpreters / Middle Men--that they would hear and receive the message of Jesus as well
· For His strength to be perfected in our weaknesses

Prayer Request from James

· That our time together will be blessed and that our ears will be open to listen to the Lord, our eyes open to see that the Lord wants us to see and we shall follow the Lord where he directs us.
· That the 125 kids, who are coming to camp, will experience God’s love in a deeper way and that they will have the best experience ever, experience deep love and friendship from work team and leaders and that those who are led by the spirit, will make a genuine committed to follow the Lord.
· For more committed and Christ-center woman leaders for our ministry, for financial support and for leaders to listen and follow God’s call to serve young people in Liberia
· That our time together will be a blessing to all the kids we will meet and the Lord will change their lives in incredible ways.
· For outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s presence with us
· That the Lord will give us extra energy and boldness to share His word through love.
· For the Lord to prepare and equip me to shepherd Young Life in West Africa.
· That we will have good weather/and not heavy down pour of rain during our time together.

After our team returns:
· Transition back to "normal life" - (re: work, relationships, etc.) -that we let the things we have learned and seen change us in good and mighty ways upon our return
· Seeds planted with the youth would flourish and grow
· Young Life Team: strength, stamina, and vision
· James Davis is training many West Africans from other countries to bring YL to their countries. Please pray that others catch the vision and for courage to implement brand new YL Ministries.

Liberian Young Life Staff: James Davis and his team of national volunteers
Team Members: Heather, Erin, Vanessa, Sally, Mary, Emily, Stefany, Cathy, Taylor, Shelby
Team Leader: Drew

“Now to Him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE THAN ALL WE ASK OR IMAGINE, according to HIS power that is at work within us, to HIM be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

YLX Liberia Trip - Book to Read

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Davis <saydah_davis@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:51 AM
Subject: YL Liberia work team
To: Drew Voyles <drew.voyles@gmail.com>
Cc: micheleylx@gmail.com, Hunter Lambeth <mhl23@juno.com>

Hi Drew and Michele,
Please pass the below email to the YL Liberia work team.
James Davis
YL Liberia
Hi Team,

JOHNNY MAD DOG is a movie about the decade long brutal Liberian Civil War. The movie is now on sale and I would love that you see it. Though I was in Liberia and I had the bitter experience of the war, but I have not watched this movie. I have watched other movies related to the Liberian war, but Johny Mad Dog is the newest.

Can anyone of you please find me a DVD copy of Johnny Mad Dog and bring it along? I will really appreciate it.

YLX Liberia Trip - Prayer Requests

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Davis <saydah_davis@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:33 AM
Subject: August Trip Prayer Request
To: Drew Voyles <drew.voyles@gmail.com>
Cc: Steve Larmey <steve@ylafrica.com>, Michele Sbrana <micheleylx@gmail.com>

Hi Team,

In about 12 days, we will  be together in Monrovia, Liberia to fulfill the call of our Lord to serve lost kids in Liberia and help them to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. What a great opportunity to serve the Lord in Africa! I am so excited about this and can't wait to see all of us together in sharing our love and the gospel of Jesus with kids who are thirty for adults' love/friendship and God's word.

I wanted you to please take up your time to pray for the below prayer requests:



·        That our time together will be blessed and that our ears will be open to listen to the Lord, our eyes open to see that the Lord wants us to see and we shall follow the Lord where he directs us.

·        That the 125 kids, who are coming to camp, will experience God's love in a deeper way and that they will have the best experience ever, experience deep love and friendship from work team and leaders and that those who are led by the spirit, will make a genuine committed to follow the Lord.

·        For more committed and Christ-center woman leaders for our ministry, for financial support and for leaders to listen and  follow God's call to serve young people in Liberia

·        That our time together will be a blessing to all the kids we will meet and the Lord will change their lives in incredible ways.

·        For outpouring of the Holy Spirit's presence with us

·        That the Lord will give us extra energy and boldness to share His word through love.

·        For the Lord to prepare and equip me to shepherd Young Life in West Africa.

·        That we will have good weather/and not heavy down pour of rain during our time together.


Thanks for using your precious time to pray for/with us.


In His love and Service,

James Davis


YLX Liberia Trip Itinerary

See our tentative trip itinerarydown below, received from James.

Let's keep praying.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:03 PM, James Davis <saydah_davis@yahoo.com> wrote:


I have written below the team Itinerary with activities the team will be doing each day.  Please look it over and let me know your thought and don't fail to ask me any any questions you may have regarding your itinerary.

The team can begin to pray for each activity on the itinerary.


We can't wait to see you in the next few days.


In Him,

James Davis



8/9    Travel Day : Depart Atlanta                                

8/10   Day 1 : Group arrives @ 3:10pm       

8/11   Day 2 :
Final preparation for camp

8/12   Day 3 : Camp/Day I

8/13   Day 4 : Camp/Day II

8/14   Day 5 :
Camp/Day III
8/15   Day 6 :
All Sports Day Event with Campaigners Kids   

8/16   Day 7 :
Visit churches for Sunday Worship and homes of some leaders

8/17   Day 8 :
Visit Orphanages  & Urey Farm

8/18    Day 9 :
FREE TIME/shopping,etc.

8/19    Day 10 : Depart Liberia @ 5:30pm
                          Arrive in Ghana @ 7:30pm

8/20    Day 11 : Depart Ghana @ 10:20am  
                          Group Arrives Home @ 11:59pm


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Prayer Request From James:

Please ask the team to pray for the West African Volunteers Training Time in Monrovia: Pray for more energy, open hearts, willingness to love Jesus and lost kids, a real commitment to sacrifice, etc. Please also pray for one of our volunteers from Mali who is presently sick. She is Rebecca. We took her to the hospital today and she is responding to treatment. Pray for healing.
Many blessings,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LIBERIA - Culture, People, Society

There are 16 ethnic groups that make up Liberia's indigenous population. The Kpelle in central and western Liberia is the largest ethnic group. Americo-Liberians who are descendants of freed slaves that arrived in Liberia early in 1821 make up an estimated 5% of the population.

There also are sizable numbers of Lebanese, Indians, and other West African nationals who comprise part of Liberia's business community. The Liberian constitution restricts citizenship to only people of Negro descent, and land ownership is restricted to citizens.

Liberia was traditionally noted for its academic institutions and its large iron-mining and rubber industries. Political upheavals beginning in the 1980s and a 14-year civil war (1989-2003) largely destroyed Liberia's economy and brought a steep decline in living standards.

Nationality: Noun and adjective--Liberian(s).
Population (2008): 3.49 million.
Annual growth rate (2008): 2.1%.
Ethnic groups: Kpelle 20%, Bassa 16%, Gio 8%, Kru 7%, 49% spread over 12 other ethnic groups.
Religions: Christian 40%, Muslim 20%, animist 40%.
Languages: English is the official language. There are 16 indigenous languages.
Education: Literacy (2003)--20%.
Health: Life expectancy (2005)--42.5 years.
Work force: Agriculture--70%; industry--15%; services--2%. Employment in the formal sector is estimated at 15%.

Location: Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone

total area: 111,370 sq km
land area: 96,320 sq km
comparative area: slightly larger than Tennessee

Land boundaries: total 1,585 km, Guinea 563 km, Cote d'Ivoire 716 km, Sierra Leone 306 km

Coastline: 579 km

Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 200 nm

International disputes: none

Climate: tropical; hot, humid; dry winters with hot days and cool to cold nights; wet, cloudy summers with frequent heavy showers

Terrain: mostly flat to rolling coastal plains rising to rolling plateau and low mountains in northeast

Natural resources: iron ore, timber, diamonds, gold

Land use:
arable land: 1%
permanent crops: 3%
meadows and pastures: 2%
forest and woodland: 39%
other: 55%

Irrigated land: 20 sq km (1989 est.)

current issues: tropical rain forest subject to deforestation; soil erosion; loss of biodiversity; pollution of rivers from the dumping of iron ore tailings and of coastal waters from oil residue and raw sewage
natural hazards: dust-laden harmattan winds blow from the Sahara (December to March)
international agreements: party to - Endangered Species, Nuclear Test Ban, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94; signed, but not ratified - Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environmental Modification, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation

Portuguese explorers established contacts with Liberia as early as 1461 and named the area Grain Coast because of the abundance of grains of Malegueta Pepper. In 1663 the British installed trading posts on the Grain Coast, but the Dutch destroyed these posts a year later. There were no further reports of European settlements along the Grain Coast until the arrival of freed slaves in the early 1800s.

Liberia, which means "land of the free," was founded by freed slaves from the United States in 1820. These freed slaves, called Americo-Liberians, first arrived in Liberia and established a settlement in Christopolis now Monrovia (named after U.S. President James Monroe) on February 6, 1820. This group of 86 immigrants formed the nucleus of the settler population of what became known as the Republic of Liberia.

Thousands of freed slaves from America soon arrived during the following years, leading to the formation of more settlements and culminating in a declaration of independence on July 26, 1847 of the Republic of Liberia. The idea of resettling free slaves in Africa was nurtured by the American Colonization Society (ACS), an organization that governed the Commonwealth of Liberia until independence in 1847. The new Republic of Liberia adopted American styles of life and established thriving trade links with other West Africans.

The formation of the Republic of Liberia was not an altogether easy task. The settlers periodically encountered stiff opposition from African tribes whom they met upon arrival, usually resulting in bloody battles. On the other hand, the newly independent Liberia was encroached upon by colonial expansionists who forcibly took over much of the original territory of independent Liberia.

Liberia's history until 1980 was largely peaceful. For 133 years after independence, the Republic of Liberia was a one-party state ruled by the Americo-Liberian-dominated True Whig Party (TWP). Joseph Jenkins Roberts, who was born and raised in America, became Liberia's first President. The style of government and constitution was fashioned on that of the United States. The True Whig Party dominated all sectors of Liberia from independence until April 12, 1980, when indigenous Liberian Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe--from the Krahn ethnic group--seized power in a coup d'etat. Doe's forces executed President William R. Tolbert and several officials of his government, mostly of Americo-Liberian descent. As a result, 133 years of Americo-Liberian political domination ended with the formation of the People's Redemption Council (PRC).

Doe's government increasingly adopted an ethnic outlook as members of his Krahn ethnic group soon dominated political and military life in Liberia. This caused a heightened level of ethnic tension, leading to frequent hostilities between the politically and militarily dominant Krahns and other ethnic groups in the country.

Political parties remained banned until 1984. Elections were held on October 15, 1985, in which Doe's National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL) was declared winner. The elections were characterized by widespread fraud and rigging. The period after the elections saw increased human rights abuses, corruption, and ethnic tensions. The standard of living, which had been rising in the 1970s, declined drastically. On November 12, 1985, former Army Commanding Gen. Thomas Quiwonkpa invaded Liberia by way of neighboring Sierra Leone and almost succeeded in toppling the government of Samuel Doe. Members of the Krahn-dominated Armed Forces of Liberia repelled Quiwonkpa's attack and executed him in Monrovia.

On December 24, 1989, a small band of rebels led by Doe's former procurement chief, Charles Taylor, invaded Liberia from the Ivory Coast. Taylor and his National Patriotic Front rebels rapidly gained the support of Liberians because of the repressive nature of Samuel Doe and his government. Barely 6 months after the rebels first attacked, they had reached the outskirts of Monrovia.

The 1989-1996 Liberian civil war, which was one of Africa's bloodiest, claimed the lives of more than 200,000 Liberians and further displaced a million others into refugee camps in neighboring countries. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) intervened and succeeded in preventing Charles Taylor from capturing Monrovia. Prince Johnson--who had been a member of Taylor's National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) but broke away because of policy differences--formed the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL). Johnson's forces captured and killed Doe on September 9, 1990.

An Interim Government of National Unity (IGNU) was formed in Gambia under the auspices of ECOWAS in October 1990, and Dr. Amos C. Sawyer became President. Taylor refused to work with the interim government and continued fighting. By 1992, several warring factions had emerged in the Liberian civil war, all of which were absorbed in the new transitional government. After several peace accords and declining military power, Taylor finally agreed to the formation of a five-man transitional government.

After considerable progress in negotiations conducted by the United States, United Nations, Organization of African Unity (now the African Union), and ECOWAS, disarmament and demobilization of warring factions were hastily carried out. Special elections were held on July 19, 1997, with Charles Taylor and his National Patriotic Party emerging victorious. Taylor won the election by a large majority, primarily because Liberians feared a return to war had Taylor lost.

For the next 6 years, the Taylor government did not improve the lives of Liberians. Unemployment and illiteracy stood above 75%, and little investment was made in the country's infrastructure. Liberia is still trying to recover from the ravages of war; six years after the war, pipe-borne water and electricity were still unavailable, and schools, hospitals, roads, and infrastructure remained derelict. Rather than work to improve the lives of Liberians, Taylor supported the bloody Revolutionary United Front in Sierra Leone, fomenting unrest and brutal excesses in the region, and leading to the resumption of armed rebellion from among Taylor's former adversaries.

On June 4, 2003 in Accra, Ghana, ECOWAS facilitated the inauguration of peace talks among the Government of Liberia, civil society, and the rebel groups called “Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy” (LURD) and “Movement for Democracy in Liberia” (MODEL). LURD and MODEL largely represent elements of the former ULIMO-K and ULIMO-J factions that fought Taylor during Liberia’s previous civil war (1989-1996). Also on June 4, 2003, the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone issued a press statement announcing the opening of a sealed March 7 indictment of Liberian President Charles Taylor for “bearing the greatest responsibility” for atrocities in Sierra Leone since November 1996. By July 17, 2003 the Government of Liberia, LURD, and MODEL signed a cease-fire that envisioned a comprehensive peace agreement within 30 days. The three combatants subsequently broke that cease-fire repeatedly, which resulted in bitter fighting that eventually reached downtown Monrovia.

On August 11, 2003, under intense U.S. and international pressure, President Taylor resigned office and departed into exile in Nigeria. This move paved the way for the deployment by ECOWAS of what became a 3,600-strong peacekeeping mission in Liberia (ECOMIL). On August 18, leaders from the Liberian Government, the rebels, political parties, and civil society signed a comprehensive peace agreement that laid the framework for constructing a 2-year National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), headed by businessman Gyude Bryant. The UN took over security in Liberia in October 2003, subsuming ECOMIL into the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), a force that grew to its present size of nearly 13,000 troops and 1,194 police officers.

The October 11, 2005 presidential and legislative elections and the subsequent November 8, 2005 presidential run-off were the most free, fair, and peaceful elections in Liberia's history. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf defeated international soccer star George Weah 59.4% to 40.6% to become Africa's first democratically elected female president. She was inaugurated in January 2006 and formed a government of technocrats drawn from among Liberia's ethnic groups and including members of the Liberian diaspora who had returned to the country to rebuild government institutions. The president's party, the Unity Party, does not control the legislature, in which 12 of the 30 registered political parties are represented.

The political situation has remained stable since the 2005 elections. The Government of Liberia has made positive strides aimed at political stability and economic recovery. President Sirleaf has taken a public stance against corruption and has dismissed several government officials. The President is supported by highly experienced and technically competent senior officials, and the public has more confidence in her administration than in any of its recent predecessors. President Sirleaf enjoys good relations with international organizations and donor governments, with whom she is working closely on Liberia's development. The national legislature has enacted several key reforms despite some delays caused by the need to gain consensus among the numerous parties represented.

In order to maintain stability through the post-conflict period, Liberia's security sector reform efforts have led to the disarmament of more than 100,000 ex-combatants, the wholesale U.S.-led reconstruction of the Armed Forces of Liberia, and a UN-led effort to overhaul the Liberian National Police. The mandate of UNMIL has been extended to September 2008 and a gradual drawdown will commence in 2008, to last several years. During this period the Government of Liberia and its development partners will focus on creating jobs, attracting investment, and providing education and other essential services to Liberia's communities.

The Liberian economy relied heavily on the mining of iron ore and on the export of natural rubber prior to the civil war. Liberia was a major exporter of iron ore on the world market. In the 1970s and 1980s, iron mining accounted for more than half of Liberia's export earnings. Following the coup d'etat of 1980, the country's economic growth rate slowed down because of a decline in the demand for iron ore on the world market and political upheavals in Liberia.

The 1989-2003 civil war had a devastating effect on the country's economy. Most major businesses were destroyed or heavily damaged, and most foreign investors and businesses left the country. Iron ore production stopped completely, and the United Nations banned timber and diamond exports from Liberia. UN sanctions on Liberian timber were removed in 2006; activity in the timber sector is expected to resume on a large scale during the October 2008-May 2009 dry season. Diamond sanctions were terminated by the UN Security Council in April 2007, and Liberian diamond exports have resumed through the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Gold deposits, some of which are currently nearing production, should soon begin to contribute to government revenues and provide additional employment.

Currently, Liberia's revenues come primarily from rubber exports and revenues from its maritime registry program. Liberia has the second-largest maritime registry in the world; there are 2,724 vessels totaling 83.3 million gross tons registered under its flag, earning some $16 million in maritime revenue in Liberian FY 2007/2008 (July 1-June 30). There is increasing interest in the possibility of commercially exploitable offshore crude oil deposits along Liberia's Atlantic Coast.

With a democratically elected government in place since January 2006, Liberia seeks to reconstruct its shattered economy. The Governance and Economic Management Assistance Program (GEMAP), which started under the 2003-2006 transitional government, is designed to help the Liberian Government raise and spend revenues in an efficient, transparent way. In addition, the Liberian Government is working to improve the business climate, has formed a commission to deal with land tenure issues, and is reviewing tax and tariff regimes to harmonize them with neighbors in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Liberian National Investment Commission reported $97 million in new investment in 2007 and has set a target of $100 million a year for future years. Investors are finding opportunities in mining, rubber, agro-forestry, light industry, and other sectors. Arcelor Mittal Steel has negotiated an agreement to invest over $1.5 billion in the mining sector, and the Liberian Government is engaged in negotiations with several other large foreign investors.

Years of conflict and mismanagement also left Liberia with a large debt burden of $3.4 billion, owed to multilateral development banks, bilateral creditors, and commercial creditors. On June 12, 2008, the United States became the first bilateral creditor to sign a bilateral agreement implementing the Paris Club's April 2008 debt treatment for Liberia. Several other bilateral creditors have pledged debt relief, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and African Development Bank have approved a formal program to clear Liberia's $1.5 billion in arrears to international financial institutions. With this support, and with technical assistance provided by Liberia's international partners, the Liberian Government seeks to make key economic reforms to attract investment and qualify for eventual debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative.

GDP (IMF 2007 est.): $473.9 million.
Real GDP growth rate (2008, projected): 9.6%.
Per capita GDP (2006): $185.50.
Average annual inflation (2008, projected): 9.0%.
Natural resources: Iron ore, rubber, timber, diamonds, gold, and tin. The Government of Liberia believes there may be sizable deposits of crude oil along its Atlantic Coast.
Agriculture: Products--coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, rice, cassava, palm oil, bananas, plantains, citrus, pineapple, sweet potatoes, corn, and vegetables.
Industry: Types--agriculture, iron ore, rubber, forestry, diamonds, gold, beverages, construction.
Trade (2007, provisional): Exports--$184.1 million (of which rubber $170.9 million). Major markets--Germany, Poland, U.S., Greece. Imports--$498.7 million (petroleum $125 million; rice $65.3 million).

Liberia has a bicameral legislature consisting of 64 representatives and 30 senators. The 2005 election placed a spectrum of political personalities in the legislature, most for six-year terms. Senior senators were elected for nine-year terms. Party structures remain weak, and politics continues to be personality-driven. Historically, the executive branch heavily influenced the legislature and judicial system.

The judiciary is divided into four levels, including justices of the peace, courts of record (magistrate courts), courts of first instance (circuit and specialty courts), and the Supreme Court. Traditional courts and lay courts exist in rural areas of the country. Trial by ordeal, though officially outlawed, is practiced in various parts of Liberia. The formal judicial system remains hampered by severe shortages of qualified judges and other judicial officials. Locally, political power emanates from traditional chiefs (town, clan, or paramount chiefs), mayors, and district commissioners. Mayors are elected in principal cities in Liberia. Superintendents appointed by the president govern the counties. There are 15 counties in Liberia.

Principal Government Officials:
President--Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Vice President--Joseph Nyumah Boakai
Speaker of the House of Representatives--J. Alex Tyler
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court--Johnnie N. Lewis
Minister of Foreign Affairs--Olubanke King-Akerele

Liberia maintains an embassy in the United States at 5201 16th Street, NW, Washington DC, 202-723-0437.

Type: Republic.
Independence: From American Colonization Society July 26, 1847.
Constitution: January 6, 1986.
Political parties: 30 registered political parties.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Young Life Liberia
Liberia is Africa’s first republic, lying on the Atlantic in the southern part of West Africa. It was established in 1822 by Americans to settle freed American slaves in Africa. Liberia is comparable in size with the state of Tennessee in the United States. The population is approximately 3 million with 40% Christian, 20% Muslim and 40% holding indigenous beliefs. Most of the country is a plateau covered by dense tropical forests which thrive under an annual rainfall of about 160 inches a year. English is the official language and is spoken by 20% of the population. There are 20 ethnic group languages.

Liberia has been ravaged by a 14-year civil war in which more than 300,000 Liberians have been killed and more than three million displaced. A cease-fire was signed in August 2003 which put an end to the decade-long civil conflict and a new democratically-elected government took power in 2005. There are 15,000 UN peacekeepers now in the country as Liberians try to rebuild their lives.

In the midst of this tragedy, James Davis, Agnes Tali, Rancy Barsaye and their team of volunteers (all Liberian nationals) are reaching out to lost young people through Young Life Liberia. They began Young Life in the capital city of Monrovia in 2004. In addition to traditional work in schools, they have begun neighborhood ministries, ministry to homeless teenagers and even ministry in former soldier re-entry camps (where young boys and girls who fought in the war—ages 9 to 19—were brought for months of counseling and job training).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Preparing our Hearts

We invite you all to "post" anything here you'd like to share.... aka. encouragement, thoughts, verses, prayers, interesting info or background on Liberia, anything you want... Our hope & prayer is that this "Blog" would serve to help us record the story of the once in a lifetime Journey the Lord has in store ahead of us, as we set out together this summer to serve where the Lord is moving through YL's mission in Liberia. Over the course of the Trip, we'll be posting "Trip Updates" here, to allow family & friends praying for us at home, to be a part of and share in this experience with us.


"If you CLING to your life, you will LOSE it, but if you GIVE it up for me, you will FIND it." MATTHEW 10:39

“Our GREATEST need, is when we have no need.” CS LEWIS

"Without Faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." HEBREWS 11:6

"People ask me, "Doesn't it Paralyze you to walk so closely & intimately with Suffering?" "No," I tell them. "If I've learned anything from my time in AFRICA, it's that though the suffering is overwhelming, so too is the HOPE." - Jena Lee