Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Preparing our Hearts

We invite you all to "post" anything here you'd like to share.... aka. encouragement, thoughts, verses, prayers, interesting info or background on Liberia, anything you want... Our hope & prayer is that this "Blog" would serve to help us record the story of the once in a lifetime Journey the Lord has in store ahead of us, as we set out together this summer to serve where the Lord is moving through YL's mission in Liberia. Over the course of the Trip, we'll be posting "Trip Updates" here, to allow family & friends praying for us at home, to be a part of and share in this experience with us.


"If you CLING to your life, you will LOSE it, but if you GIVE it up for me, you will FIND it." MATTHEW 10:39

“Our GREATEST need, is when we have no need.” CS LEWIS

"Without Faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." HEBREWS 11:6

"People ask me, "Doesn't it Paralyze you to walk so closely & intimately with Suffering?" "No," I tell them. "If I've learned anything from my time in AFRICA, it's that though the suffering is overwhelming, so too is the HOPE." - Jena Lee