Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 03 and 04 - CAMP DAYS!

We have had a blast the last two days interacting with the kids at camp. God was definitely present. Seeing the kid's enjoyment and continuous energy let's us know we were definitely meant to take this trip. The last two days we have washed dishes, cleaned toilets, served breakfast, lunch and dinner, held field games for the kids and even did a 'Sexy Walk' skit to show how the white work crew might not have the rythym like the Liberians. All of these activities and jobs could not happen though without the Liberian work crew's help and tremendous hard work. Interacting with the Liberian Leaders has been special. In three days we have built relationships with amazing and inspiring people. It really has been an instant bond. Their life stories have touched each of us and their passion for Christ is incredible and very inspiring. They LOVE life and have amazing spirit even though they have been through the times with having very little- our culture needs to take some lessons!!!!
The last day of camp had a energy about it that only God could provide since each of us probably only got 4-5 hours sleep the previous last two nights. The breakfast dining hall was a dance party, with James showing us some of his break dance moves. :) The spirit in the room filled one's heart!!
After breakfast there was club and 'Say So' (the part of camp where campers stand up and show the have accepted Christ in their life) 50+ kids stood up. (Out of 125 campers)HOW AWESOME!! Majority of the kids had never been to a Young Life event. AMAZING! We praise God for his work done at camp!
After camp was over we headed 'home' to our Guesthouse and James treated us to a great dinner where we reflected on the last couple of days. A fun way to end a hard days work.
Our prayer request is for God to continue to be present in these kid's life and they continue their journey with Christ. And another request is for the weather to clear up for our All-Day Sports Day. Right now it pouring!
Miss you all!!

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